Titan Station is a single-player first-person mystery set in a retro-sci fi universe.
Far into the future, in the year 1999: David, a systems operator, runs from his troubles by taking a job on a space station. After arriving, his mundane work turns into a struggle for his very life as he makes a sh...
Titan Station is a single-player first-person mystery set in a retro-sci fi universe.
Far into the future, in the year 1999: David, a systems operator, runs from his troubles by taking a job on a space station. After arriving, his mundane work turns into a struggle for his very life as he makes a shocking discovery.
Escape all your troubles by taking a job at an isolated refueling depot.
Titan station is connected to Saturns moon Titan by an elevator and pipeline system.
Talk on the radio
Meet and talk to others over radio, but who can you trust?
Use retro computers
Connect to the network and find the truth.
Go into Cyberspace
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
A narrative adventure
Titan Station takes around 3-4 hours to complete.
There is no combat.
Few puzzles - easy and part of the story.
Solo developer
Titan Station is developed in Unreal Engine by one person - Joakim Larsen, a 3D artist who worked on Overkill's 'The Walking Dead,' Paradox's 'Stellaris' and 'Hearts of Iron,' and DICE's 'Battlefield 4.'
Системные требования
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Рекомендуемые системные требования:
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