Shuggy is a young vampire who has just inherited an old Scottish castle from his grandfather. He soon realises that the mansion is haunted by countless ghosts, ghouls and other evil spirits. To clear his new home of its undesirable inhabitants, he must venture through the whole castle: from the Dung...
Shuggy is a young vampire who has just inherited an old Scottish castle from his grandfather. He soon realises that the mansion is haunted by countless ghosts, ghouls and other evil spirits. To clear his new home of its undesirable inhabitants, he must venture through the whole castle: from the Dungeon through the Boiler Room and the Gallery (not forgetting the Graveyard), and all the way up to the Clocktower!
The Adventures of Shuggy is a 2D platformer with a leaning towards puzzles. There are over 100 single player levels and 36 Co-Op levels connected through a gradually unlocking map screen ensuring there is always a variety of levels to choose from. Progress through the mansion is punctuated by comic book cut scenes and the occassional boss encounter. Every room in Shuggy's castle is different, letting Shuggy travel in time, swing on ropes, turn to a zombie, shrink, grow, fly, teleport and more.
The game includes the Shuggy’s Teleporting Troubles level pack, equipping Shuggy with a secondary teleporter and offering 40 exciting new levels to solve.
Varied mechanics give each level a fresh spin, with Shuggy flying, floating, swinging, spinning, changing size, and even time travelling.
Multiple routes through the castle ensure you'll be able to find another way if you get stuck.
Play 36 twisted two-player levels in the offline co-op mode, with puzzles that can only be completed through cunning and teamwork.
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