Words DLC features a director’s script for Tails Noir that allows you to take a peek at the development process and what it takes to plan out a narrative game.
The document outlines the level design direction, writing direction, plot synopsis, puzzle design, and other written materials that the dev...
Words DLC features a director’s script for Tails Noir that allows you to take a peek at the development process and what it takes to plan out a narrative game.
The document outlines the level design direction, writing direction, plot synopsis, puzzle design, and other written materials that the development team used to craft the experience. Important note is that there are no dialogues in this script, because of their branching and complex nature it’s impossible to lay them out in a document format.
This script used to be a living document, with scars and cuts traced all over it from almost five years of creative work, and it’s an unprecedented source of information and inspiration for anyone who is interested in narrative-heavy games.
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