In the year 2047, a massive comet ravages Earth's surface and the remnants of mankind descend to the bottom of the ocean in order to survive. A century passes, and humans, resilient and enduring, slowly create new life in their cool blue underwater universe. But even in the still of the deep, one tr...
In the year 2047, a massive comet ravages Earth's surface and the remnants of mankind descend to the bottom of the ocean in order to survive. A century passes, and humans, resilient and enduring, slowly create new life in their cool blue underwater universe. But even in the still of the deep, one truth remains... where man goes, war soon follows. The craddle of civilization has spawned the seeds of man's destruction and now all the oceans of the world are not big enough for the embattled civilizations of the power-hungry White Sharks, the technologically savvy Black Octopi and the alien Silicons. Deploy armies, research technologies, mine for resources and set in motion a plan to gain control of this spellbinding abyss or find the fate of civilization and mankind dead in the water.
Three distinct civilizations to play, each with its own objectives, histories, untis, technologies and strategies to master.
Innovative all-new units classes and structures along with the ability to hide units and buildings in caves, unders cliffs or above opponents creates new twistes in offensive and defensive strategies.
A fully realized 3D underwater universe including 5 depth/elevationlevels of iridescent swirling waters, winding mountain ranges, dimly lit caverns, cliffs, and dark tunnels.
An evolutionary dual control interface allows you to control individual units or entire groups as well as simultaneously planning production and launching attacks on the enemy.
Three zoom levels allow you to zoom into or out of the game anytime you need.
A powerful scenario editor and an intelligent random mission generator combine to provide an almost unlimited amount of gameplay.
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