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In the stealth-action game Starless, you play as a colonist stranded on a malfunctioning space Ark, filled with dangerous monsters. As you navigate the dark corridors, you must use caution and strategy to survive. In the stealth-action game Starless, you play as a colonist stranded on a...
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О продукте
2022, Petr Sapozhnikov, ...
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Windows 7, intel i3, 2 GB RAM, nVidia GeForce GTX 970M, 300 MB available space...
Time to beat
20 hMain
20 h Main + Sides
22.5 h Completionist
20.5 h All Styles

In the stealth-action game Starless, you play as a colonist stranded on a malfunctioning space Ark, filled with dangerous monsters. As you navigate the dark corridors, you must use caution and strategy to survive.

In the stealth-action game Starless, you play as a colonist stranded on a malfunctioning space Ark, filled with dangerous monsters. As you navigate the dark corridors, you must use caution and strategy to survive.

The Ark is part of a flotilla heading to a distant planet, but disaster strikes when the crew becomes infected with a mysterious virus, and the life support systems fail. In an effort to save the ship, the AI awakens one of the colonists from stasis.

But every death on the Ark threatens the mission to establish a colony on the new planet, as there are only a limited number of people on board. With the help of Freya, the Ark's AI, you must do everything you can to survive and save the ship, even if it means sacrificing a few lives along the way.


  • Explore the mysteries of three giant space Arks in Starless
  • Utilize a range of gadgets, including plaster mines, teleporter traps, motion detectors, and more
  • Discover secret modules and uncover the fate of the other Arks in the flotilla
  • Experience the chilling atmosphere of cold, empty space as you face off against unpredictable enemies
  • Unravel the mystery of Mister Scratchy, the cat taken on a space trip
  • Be prepared to improvise and adapt as you navigate the dangers of the space Arks

2022 © Meridian4. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and copyrights are the properties of their respective owners.

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Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
Time to beat
20 hMain
20 h Main + Sides
22.5 h Completionist
20.5 h All Styles
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