RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.

Spirited Thief

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Offer ends on: 09/28/2024 09:59 EEST
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Самая низкая цена за 30 дней до скидки: 4.49
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Spirited Thief
Spirited Thief is a tactical turn-based stealth game with a twist: take your time to scout ahead and plan your heist as your ghostly friend, then use your knowledge to break in and break out with pricey loot. Another job gone wrong... Elaj - unlucky thief with a few magic tricks upon his...
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{{ review.content.title }}
О продукте
2023, Koi Snowman Games, ...
Системные требования
Windows 7 (SP1+) and Windows 10, x86, x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support., Version 1...

Spirited Thief is a tactical turn-based stealth game with a twist: take your time to scout ahead and plan your heist as your ghostly friend, then use your knowledge to break in and break out with pricey loot.

Another job gone wrong... Elaj - unlucky thief with a few magic tricks upon his sleeves - and Trin - his partner-in-crime who happens to be an intangible spirit - are on the verge of being kicked out of the ruthless Thieves Guild!

Determined to prove themselves to the guild, and make some sweet steals in the process, Elaj and Trin must work together to infiltrate heavily protected vaults, mysterious crypts, and more. With the occasional help of allies, what secrets, treasures, and troubles will the pair get their hands on?

Scout undetected as Trin, the spirit. Explore, plan, and locate secret passages and treasures without the burden of a physical body.

  • Steal as Elaj, the thief. Loot as much as you can without giving the guards time to react.
  • Outsmart enemies, sneak through locked doors, and break down magical barriers. No door can stop you.
  • With turn-based gameplay, get in and get out before the guards become aware of your presence. You’ve only got so long, so use your turns wisely.

  • Infiltrate wealthy castles, dark dungeons, and occult lairs under the guidance of the infamous thieves' guild.
  • Upgrade your skills with new and exciting abilities in exchange for your ill-gotten gains.
  • Study your briefings so you know what you’re getting into and what to look out for. Will you take it slow and steady to find all the secrets, or is a smash-and-grab more up your street?

Популярные достижения
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Зачем покупать на GOG.com?
БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
Детали игры
Работает на:
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11), Linux (Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04)
Дата выхода:
{{'2023-09-19T00:00:00+03:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0300 ' }}
314 MB

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