Эта игра содержит контент, предназначенный только для взрослых в возрасте 17+
Нажимая “Продолжить”, вы подтверждаете, что вам 17 лет или больше.
Вернуться в магазин© Copyright 2000-2016 Frogwares. All rights reserved. Frogwares, Frogwares logo, Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened and, Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened logo are trade marks or registered trade marks of Frogwares in France and/or other countries. Other marks and brands are the properties of their respective owners. Inspirated by the Adventures of "Sherlock Holmes", Written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Please Note: The use of special symbols and non-standard characters in your Windows username and/or installation path may cause compatibility issues when attempting to run Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered.
Please Note: The use of special symbols and non-standard characters in your Windows username and/or installation path may cause compatibility issues when attempting to run Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered.
Game length provided by HowLongToBeat
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