The Making of Scene Investigators is a 160-page digital book encompassing a wide range of game development content. It includes the history of EQ Studios, ideation phase, different stages of game production, post-game development, music making, marketing and more. The book is written for fans and i...
The Making of Scene Investigators is a 160-page digital book encompassing a wide range of game development content. It includes the history of EQ Studios, ideation phase, different stages of game production, post-game development, music making, marketing and more. The book is written for fans and indie developers in mind, and is an ideal companion for the Scene Investigators game.
This DLC is a digital PDF book. It is available only in English.
[7 pages] Chapter 0: Introduction
[16 pages] Chapter 1: History
[74 pages] Chapter 2: Game Development
[46 pages] Chapter 3: Marketing
[17 pages] Chapter 4: Wrap Up
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