Эта игра содержит контент, предназначенный только для взрослых в возрасте 18+
Нажимая “Продолжить”, вы подтверждаете, что вам 18 лет или больше.
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This is the “ comedy” of Salthe—
A jester turns a human life to comedy,
and weaves a thrilling tale of Salthe's memory.
How did Salthe die, at the end of despair?
Join us, audience, as we wind our way there.
At the end of a journey of blood, despair, regret, and madness—
a stage perched on the razor's edge dividing life and death.
With no audience to cheer, at a jester's direction, Salthe performs her past.
To learn the reason for her death.
To return to the world of life.
Each scene is full of scorn and mockery,
she writhes and struggles, through to the end
of the tale of Salthe's life—a comedy——
Break a leg...
Game length provided by HowLongToBeat
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