This is the official soundtrack for the game Roboquest.
It has been gracefully brought to us by Noisecream.NoisecreamNoisecream is a Russian musician and sound artist creating high octane tracks.Side Effects(play this OST at your own risks)
- surges of energy
- unstoppable will to deal with you...
This is the official soundtrack for the game Roboquest.
It has been gracefully brought to us by Noisecream.
Noisecream is a Russian musician and sound artist creating high octane tracks.
Side Effects
(play this OST at your own risks)
- surges of energy
- unstoppable will to deal with your problems (like now)
- makes you want to work out
- makes your neighbors like you more than before
- may drastically increases the amount of bots harmed during play
Additional Information
Tracks are sorted by order of appearance in the game.
There might be additional tracks coming to Roboquest in which case they'll be added to this soundtrack for free.
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