For years Toy-Volt had been producing games and toys for children all over the world. Within months of introducing their first products they shot to the top of their trade.
However, it appears that the products have gained minds of their own. Escaping from the shelves that held them prisoners they...
For years Toy-Volt had been producing games and toys for children all over the world. Within months of introducing their first products they shot to the top of their trade.
However, it appears that the products have gained minds of their own. Escaping from the shelves that held them prisoners they have entered the real world, and are now creating chaos as they enjoy their new found freedom... the Toy-volt R/C cars have Re-Volted!
Re-Volt lets you guide one of 28 remote control cars through insane race tracks set in unusual environments. Since the cars are the size of real remote control vehicles, objects found around the track are bigger than life. Curbs become huge walls, toys are obstacles, and everything is fair game to drive on, through, or over.
There are 13 different tracks spread throughout four Cups, including races set in museums, supermarkets, and settings which may look like your own neighborhood.
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