Return to Mysterious Island follows Mina, a young woman trying to win the “Jules Verne Trophy”, which is awarded to those who sail around the world solo. Caught in a tremendous storm, she becomes stranded on the shores of a wild and apparently uninhabited island. As she explores her new surroundings...
Return to Mysterious Island follows Mina, a young woman trying to win the “Jules Verne Trophy”, which is awarded to those who sail around the world solo. Caught in a tremendous storm, she becomes stranded on the shores of a wild and apparently uninhabited island. As she explores her new surroundings, she uncovers artifacts, living spaces, and technologies left behind by the people who came before her to this uncharted island.
Solve a variety of intuitive puzzle challenges and use the various technologies found on the Nautilus to return to civilization. There is no imposed linear order to solve the puzzles and advance in the game. You’ll have multiple choices, depending on the resources you acquire throughout the adventure and the way you want to play. The game also offers photo-realistic pre-rendered graphics, an easy to use point-and-click interface, and a unique inventory system where items can be combined and dismantled for use throughout the game.
Interactive inventory system allows you to combine items and create new tools.
Survival, exploration, discovery, and puzzles, all in a tropical setting.
Inspired by the Jules Verne novel “The Mysterious Island”.
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