Immerse yourself in Ting’s coming-of-age journey through the music and soundscapes of Malaysia. From the vibrant night markets to the lively celebrations of the Hungry Ghost Festival, the soundtrack brings her story to life with rich compositions and authentic sounds. Experience the lively bustle of...
Immerse yourself in Ting’s coming-of-age journey through the music and soundscapes of Malaysia. From the vibrant night markets to the lively celebrations of the Hungry Ghost Festival, the soundtrack brings her story to life with rich compositions and authentic sounds. Experience the lively bustle of local markets, the evocative sounds of traditional ceremonies, and the intricate blending of instruments from Malaysia’s diverse ethnic communities.
Composed by Duncan Soo, the soundtrack features 20 high-quality 48kHz/24-bit WAV tracks.
[1:27] Doors Open
[1:27] Meeting Xiu
[2:01] Ting
[2:27] Bukit Bunga Merah
[1:53] Taman Kertas
[1:22] Forest Dwarf
[1:32] Pre-School
[1:40] Homework, homework, homework
[5:19] Nelson, the boy who drowned
[1:40] It's okay, Ting
[0:59] Bullies
[1:29] The Hosue Down the Street
[0:57] I don't understand
[1:41] All will be alright
[1:17] Mom's Memories
[0:37] Hungry Ghost Festival
[0:33] Finding Xiu
[1:34] Breaking Free
[0:58] I've got to do this myself, Ting
[1:23] We'll come get you
[3:01] Xiu's Crossing
[1:31] 7PM
[1:10] Curtain Call
Soundtrack (MP3)
Soundtrack (WAV)
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