October 1944, something strange is happening in Sundäe, a rustic Norwegian town where a mysterious dark moon hangs over the sky, generating uncertainty among its inhabitants.
As World War II continues, the Okkulte-55, a secret division of the Third Reich, arrives in Sundäe to unleash an ancien...
October 1944, something strange is happening in Sundäe, a rustic Norwegian town where a mysterious dark moon hangs over the sky, generating uncertainty among its inhabitants.
As World War II continues, the Okkulte-55, a secret division of the Third Reich, arrives in Sundäe to unleash an ancient curse, in a desperate act to twist the course of the war.
Alexei Krakovitz, a quadriplegic professor of occult science and Akiro Kagasawa, his faithful assistant, are sent to Norway on a secret mission to unravel the mystery and save the world from the Okkulte-55 clutches.
An original story with absurd dark humor, riddled with eccentric characters, diabolical inventions, puzzles, occultism, talking dead, witches, worms, a mysterious party, and an ancient curse that threatens the human race.
An adventure so delusional that it will make you delirious to the delirium itself!
Truly and unique original story. (99.999999% GUARANTEED)
Single player, dual character action-adventure with puzzle-solving elements.
Join professor Alexei Krakovitz and his loyal Japanese assistant, Akiro Kagasawa, in their heroic crusade against the Okkulte-55.
Retro-pixel style artwork.
Meet a quirky cast of characters
Visit Sundäe, a town oppressed by the Okkulte-55, on the northwest coast of Norway.
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