Long time ago, in the Realm of Orion, a powerful, but greedy wizard collected knowledge from all around the world. And thus came to write the Three Books: books of Knowledge, Law and Magic. The Books eventually gave him ultimate powers. Blinded by his powers, he used them not to prosper, but for chaos!
One day the mighty enchantress Salina gathered all of her strength and courage and stole the Books from the Wizard. Under the cover of a night, she took the Books and her child, baby Meredith, and ran far, far away to the north - to the very edge of the world. And so, the years and decades passed by... until one day...
It's up to you now to help young enchantress fight the evil before the Realm of Orion sinks to chaos! Use your sharp eye, pure heart and all of your wits to collect magic items, hunt for hidden objects and solve tricky puzzles and quests in this beautiful fantasy puzzle adventure game.
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