Friends & Foes update
The exiled champions have returned to the fold to battle the forces of heaven.
This second major update for Monster Train adds new champions, new bosses, new cards, and new artifacts, which combine together to add a significant amount of new strategic options and replayability....
Friends & Foes update
The exiled champions have returned to the fold to battle the forces of heaven.
This second major update for Monster Train adds new champions, new bosses, new cards, and new artifacts, which combine together to add a significant amount of new strategic options and replayability. We’ve also added a number of frequently requested player features like a personal run records page in the Logbook, an enemy wave counter in battle, and a preview of the ring 3 and ring 6 bosses at the start of a run.
Wild Mutations is the first (free) content update for Monster Train. We're excited to tell you, there’s more on the way! In THIS content update we up the playing field with 35 new mutators, new difficulty settings for experienced players and new simple ways to challenge friends and community.
In the coming months more content will be released to extend your travel plans to Hell!
Hell has frozen over. Only you can protect the final burning pyre from the forces of heaven and restore the inferno. Monster Train brings a new strategic layer to roguelike deck building, with three vertical play fields to defend.
No playthrough is ever the same
You’ll never play the same deck twice!
Over 220 cards
5 monster clans with each very different gameplay
Each clan has 10 levels to unlock, bringing new cards to your deck
Upgrade your clan specific champion multiple times
88 artifacts
Upgrade any card twice
More than 21 unique random events
25 covenant (difficulty) levels
Visit powerful locations
To take back hell, you’ll need to power up. Choose your route carefully, different locations give different benefits; upgrade your champion, recruit powerful units, upgrade cards, gain passive bonuses or duplicate any card in your deck.
Strategize to fit your playstyle
With five clans to choose from, each has its own unique and surprising gameplay. Pick your primary and supporting clan to gain access to all cards from both. During your run you will be able to improve cards by mixing and matching upgrades to open up new roads to victory. You can even duplicate your favourite card at special map nodes before facing off against the final boss.
In the Hell Rush multiplayer mode, eight players compete in a frantic real time contest. Each player has the same resources and opponents to create a level playing field. With the clock ticking it’s a test of who can make the best decisions under pressure. Only a true speed demon can remain undefeated.
Take on a new challenge every day with a hugely modified run due to gameplay mutators. Compete globally and against friends, and climb the leaderboards with a skill-focused scoring system.
Cross-play multiplayer with Steam is supported.
Copyright 2020, Shiny Shoe LLC
Популярные достижения
Первый недобиток
Победите первого босса.
Охотник на ангелов
Победите Фэл.
Серафим Побежденный
Победите Серафима.
Улучшенный Герой
Усильте своего Героя дважды.
Обламыватель рогов
Получите 5-й уровень Адских отродий.
Видимость разумности
Получите 5-й уровень Пробужденных.
В глубинах Моря
Откройте Стигийскую стражу.
Дьявольский автоматон
Откройте Мрак.
Повышение уровня!
Повысьте уровень любого клана.
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
GOG GALAXY is required to access online features for Monster Train.
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
GOG GALAXY is required to access online features for Monster Train.
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