A breathtakingly beautiful world holds the secrets of its past for you and your companion to uncover.
Experience the contrasting stories of the fall of mankind and the lush life in a world reclaimed by nature with a wolf as your main character and a determined companion at your side.
A breathtakingly beautiful world holds the secrets of its past for you and your companion to uncover.
Experience the contrasting stories of the fall of mankind and the lush life in a world reclaimed by nature with a wolf as your main character and a determined companion at your side.
Explore the land, sea, and air, as you possess any creature you come across to experience life from a whole new perspective. Fly through gargantuan canyon valleys as a parrot! Tumble through the grass as a wombat! Swim through shimmering lakes as a fish! Your journey will take you from densely wooded jungles, to lush rainforest canopies, to barren desert plains and archaic temples.
Ultimately, you'll discover a tale of loyalty, despair, and betrayal, as echoes of the lost Yanrana culture come to life in a lush wilderness devoid of man.
Популярные достижения
Windy up here
Spent a bunch of time in the air
Splish Splash
Spent a bunch of time underwater
Who am I?
Triggered 5 memories
What's this?
Found 5 relics
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