Includes the Impossible Creatures: Insect Invasion expansion pack.
Set in a fantastic 1930s world, “Impossible Creatures” is a 3-D, real-time strategy game by Relic Entertainment the creators of Homeworld, Dawn of War and Company of Heroes that pits the player against an evil villain in a desperate...
Includes the Impossible Creatures: Insect Invasion expansion pack.
Set in a fantastic 1930s world, “Impossible Creatures” is a 3-D, real-time strategy game by Relic Entertainment the creators of Homeworld, Dawn of War and Company of Heroes that pits the player against an evil villain in a desperate campaign across a chain of remote and diverse islands.
Using Earth’s most formidable animals as building blocks, the player must create an army of genetically-altered mutant monsters in a titanic struggle to protect an unsuspecting world.
Thousands of units: “Impossible Creatures” has more than 50 animals that can be combined to create a vast number of mutant creatures, the results of which are limited only by your creativity.
Strategies as boundless as your imagination -- By building these creatures into powerful and effective armies, you can define your strategy and how you'd like to tackle your opponents.
Unprecedented replayability – “Impossible Creatures” offers boundless creature combinations, armies, and strategies as well as online play and an easy-to-use mission editor that provides limitless play options.
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