Impaler is a movement-focused shooter where you shoot, impale, and stomp demons into red mist. It is a game that rewards using verticality and the hazardous environment to your advantage. The rogue-lite elements and dynamic arenas make each run unique and replayable.
Survive 20 stages and defeat the Skull King to win. Earn upgrades and score bonuses for special kills. Unlock new difficulties and set high scores.
Complete 13 time-based stages in the shortest time possible. Navigate an ever-change battlefield and use height to your advantage.
"As a solo game developer, I've created this small but punchy arena shooter, featuring two distinct game modes. It may not be a huge game, but it's designed to deliver a solid and engaging experience. Enjoy the challenge and have fun!"
- Aaron, developer of Impaler
© 2022 Retrovibe © 2022 Apptivus Impaler and the Impaler logo are trademarks of Apptivus. All rights reserved.
Game length provided by HowLongToBeat
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