With this official soundtrack, the ethereal melodies that guided you to survival in Homeseek can now accompany you through the challenges and successes of your day-to-day life just as they did in the game. Featuring original compositions by Manu Charitakis, these 9 post-apocalypse-inspired tracks ar...
With this official soundtrack, the ethereal melodies that guided you to survival in Homeseek can now accompany you through the challenges and successes of your day-to-day life just as they did in the game. Featuring original compositions by Manu Charitakis, these 9 post-apocalypse-inspired tracks are surprisingly soothing and at times hauntingly beautiful. Let their captivating sounds remind you of your accomplishments in the wasteland and serve as a stirring backdrop as you participate in your very own real-world survival story.
[3:42] Rays Of Desperation
[12:13] Rebuilding Civilizations
[24:13] Step Into The Wasteland
[12:03] The Old World
[11:42] The Last Drops
[24:23] Distorted Oasis
[12:13] Radioactive Resonance
[12:03] Water Wars
[12:01] Welcome To Arcadia
soundtrack (MP3)
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