Hoa is a platformer that put high emphasis on the aesthetics and ambiance of the game’s world. The first few levels feature peaceful, relaxed environment that will put players’ mind at ease as they explore the world of Hoa. As the story unfolds, the atmosphere will get more tensed and dramatic, and...
Hoa is a platformer that put high emphasis on the aesthetics and ambiance of the game’s world. The first few levels feature peaceful, relaxed environment that will put players’ mind at ease as they explore the world of Hoa. As the story unfolds, the atmosphere will get more tensed and dramatic, and so does the music. Here you can enjoy all 17 tracks as you please.
- Composed by Johannes Johansson
- Music orchestration by Lauri Koivisto
- Sound engineering by Simon Paldanius
- Mastering by Joe Vegna
- Piano - Johannes Johansson
- Woodwind instruments - Josh Plotner
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