RATING / ESRB / A Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / E10 Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / M Created with Sketch. RATING / ESRB / T Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 12 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 16 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 18 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 3 Created with Sketch. RATING / PEGI / 7 Created with Sketch. icon_pin Created with Sketch.


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БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
In this beautifully crafted, fully voice-acted adventure, you find yourself fighting to stay awake on your evening train ride home from work until sleep finally takes you… Uh oh! You’ve missed your stop. In a panic, you jump off at the next station and attempt to get your bearings. Unfortunately,...
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{{ review.content.title }}
О продукте
2023, SEKTAHOUSE, ...
Системные требования
Windows 7, Multi-core 1.8GHz or faster, 4 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 760 or equivalent, 5 GB available space...
Time to beat
3 hMain
4 h Main + Sides
-- Completionist
3 h All Styles
In this beautifully crafted, fully voice-acted adventure, you find yourself fighting to stay awake on your evening train ride home from work until sleep finally takes you… Uh oh! You’ve missed your stop.

In a panic, you jump off at the next station and attempt to get your bearings. Unfortunately, getting a grasp on exactly where you’ve ended up turns out to be more difficult than you’d thought.

The people you encounter here are strange, and while they fancy themselves helpful in their own ways, they aren’t seemingly helpful in the ways that would see you quickly on your journey back home. The air here is thick and strange, and just beyond the reach of your senses something ethereal and omnipotent observes your every move from the sky.

GRUNND is a unique take on the point-and-click genre with platformer-inspired locales, fast travel, and branching multiple-choice events that the player will begin to unfold from the very beginning of their journey.

GRUNND is more interested in making you think through the complex story beats it presents than through overly convoluted puzzles. You’ll encounter challenges to solve and overcome, of course, but these will be tied into the interactions you have with the various characters you meet along the way. The rich story of GRUNND concerns itself with you as a protagonist, surely, but equally it shines a spotlight on the world around you and the stories of its sometimes-bizarre inhabitants.

The gameworld is inspired by the works of Franz Kafka and David Lynch, with a setting that sprinkles the game’s style with droplets of Southern Gothic and Black Metal as well. As much as GRUNND is about its characters, it’s about the introspective journey of the player, as well.

All materials within the game is an intellectual property. No public [free or paid] visual assets were used.

Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Зачем покупать на GOG.com?
БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
Уверенность и надежность. Поддержка 24/7 и полный возврат средств в течение 30 дней.
Time to beat
3 hMain
4 h Main + Sides
-- Completionist
3 h All Styles
Детали игры
Работает на:
Windows (7, 8, 10, 11)
Дата выхода:
{{'2023-01-26T00:00:00+02:00' | date: 'longDate' : ' +0200 ' }}
1.4 GB

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