Originally released in 1999 as a new generation in the highly popular FATAL FURY Series, GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES still continues to fascinate players around the world to this day.
Set 10 years after Geese Howard’s death, GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES restarts the legendary series with a new hero, “Ro...
Originally released in 1999 as a new generation in the highly popular FATAL FURY Series, GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES still continues to fascinate players around the world to this day.
Set 10 years after Geese Howard’s death, GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES restarts the legendary series with a new hero, “Rock Howard”, and hosts a plethora of new charismatic characters. Moreover, this new installment in the FATAL FURY Series abandons the traditional sway line mechanic, and brings numerous new strategies with the “T.O.P. System," “Just Defended," and “Breaking” battle features instead.
ARCADE - Pick up a fighter from the 12 (+2) characters available, and fight your way via the “T.O.P. System”, “Just Defended”, and “Breaking” new battle mechanics in the "King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem" tournament, held this time in Second Southtown.
MULTIPLAYER - Connect and fight the hungriest wolves in “GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES” via the "Invite a Friend" & "Lobby" multiplayer features for the hottest battles ever!
TRAINING - Train and master your combos and battle strategies with your favorite characters before going to battle in this user-friendly game mode!
LEADERBOARDS - Check your current rank & score in “GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES” at any time, as well as those of your friends and other top fighters!
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