Yohan Jager, composer of the Escape from Naraka soundtrack:
"Escape from Naraka’s OST takes its inspiration from Bali’s traditional culture by using Gamelan-heavy instrumentation. This particular percussion ensemble, composed of tuned and untuned instruments like the Kendhang and the Reyong, easi...
Yohan Jager, composer of the Escape from Naraka soundtrack:
"Escape from Naraka’s OST takes its inspiration from Bali’s traditional culture by using Gamelan-heavy instrumentation. This particular percussion ensemble, composed of tuned and untuned instruments like the Kendhang and the Reyong, easily lends itself to catchy melodies and epic percussion lines. It's all we need to accompany the player in this crazy runner game, which I had as much fun playing as I did creating the soundtrack for. And of course, no epic soundtrack is complete without strings, brass, and a massive choir. You'll experience all of this and more in Escape from Naraka's OST!"
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