Embark on an mysterious journey to unravel the enigma of the talking animal statue, OSIRIS. Explore the dangerous dungeons scattered across the island, and find various endearing pet companions. Delve deep into the secrets of the pets and their origins, as you uncover the hidden past of the island. ...
Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64-bit), 2 GHz, 2048 MB RAM, SM 3.0+, Version 11, 512 MB available space, Requir...
Embark on an mysterious journey to unravel the enigma of the talking animal statue, OSIRIS. Explore the dangerous dungeons scattered across the island, and find various endearing pet companions. Delve deep into the secrets of the pets and their origins, as you uncover the hidden past of the island.
20+ unique Pets, from loyal canines to mischievous felines...
Series of dungeons that will challenge your wit and agility!
New open world island with mysterious history...
New trinkets and tools
Special food recipes for your pets
Bonus content for the owners of Doomsday and Underworld!
Solve Mysteries
"Pets & Dungeons" is the perfect expansion for both seasoned veterans and newcomers alike, offering hours of exploration, puzzle-solving, and heartwarming companionship.
NOTE: To start the questline for the new content, you'll need to find a dog house.
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