Explore the full soundtrack for Diplomacy is Not an Option, recorded with live instruments. 16 music themes represent the mood of the sceneries to be seen by the Game's protagonist during his journey across Samreignia and the Uncharted Continent. From Abberlore Valley to Niniende Highlands, from Glo...
Explore the full soundtrack for Diplomacy is Not an Option, recorded with live instruments. 16 music themes represent the mood of the sceneries to be seen by the Game's protagonist during his journey across Samreignia and the Uncharted Continent. From Abberlore Valley to Niniende Highlands, from Gloomy Dungeons to Sacred Forest. Immerse yourself in the soulful shimmers of the cello, and feel the drive of battles of epic scope flowing through you accompanied by the thundering trombone!
[1:52] Main menu theme
[1:53] Lizway meadows - Battle theme
[8:43] Lizway meadows - Calm theme
[3:29] Mystic shores - Battle theme
[3:44] Mystic shores - Calm theme
[3:21] Niniende Highlands - Battle theme
[3:47] Niniende Highlands - Calm theme
[3:40] Rothglen Hills - Battle theme
[4:47] Rothglen Hills - Calm theme
[3:43] Rusted wastelands - Battle theme
[3:28] Rusted wastelands - Calm theme
[4:00] Sacred forest - Battle theme
[3:35] Sacred forest - Calm theme
[3:22] Abberlore Valley - Battle theme
[3:43] Abberlore Valley - Calm theme
[2:37] Gloomy dungeons theme
[3:14] Lords in Black - Become undead
[0:48] The boss's aria
Soundtrack (MP3)
Soundtrack (WAV)
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