Эта игра содержит контент, предназначенный только для взрослых в возрасте 17+
Нажимая “Продолжить”, вы подтверждаете, что вам 17 лет или больше.
Вернуться в магазин©2020 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART All rights reserved. Death end re;Quest is a trademark of IDEA FACTORY. Licensed to and published by IDEA FACTORY INTERNATIONAL.
One of the features of this game is the attainment of several "bad endings", which can range from graphically gory scenes to vivid textual depictions of character deaths (e.g. watching a decapitation scene or reading an excerpt about a character's spinal cord being torn out).
This game contains content that may not be appropriate for all ages, including the following: Blood, Violence, Suggestive Themes, Strong Language
One of the features of this game is the attainment of several "bad endings", which can range from graphically gory scenes to vivid textual depictions of character deaths (e.g. watching a decapitation scene or reading an excerpt about a character's spinal cord being torn out).
This game contains content that may not be appropriate for all ages, including the following: Blood, Violence, Suggestive Themes, Strong Language
Game length provided by HowLongToBeat
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