After a mysterious force starts pulling spaceships out of the sky, death and destruction rain down on the frontier mining planet of Wolf Prime, littering its surface with wreckage, debris, and danger.
Take on the role of Squig, a Wolf Prime denizen and shipyard worker who, with the help of his friend Norton, gathers a team of survivors to embark on a journey that will uncover the mystery behind the sudden cataclysm. Do you have what it takes to save the planet from destruction?
Engage in party-based turn-based combat, plan out each turn to optimize character’s abilities and defeat powerful enemies.
Customize your deck using the branching card upgrade system to unlock new strategies and synergies.
Wolf Prime is a magnet for species from all over the known galaxy, each of whom comes to the planet for their own reasons, and each of whom will play a part in the story.
When the ships start crashing around you, survival mode kicks in. But falling wreckage isn’t your only problem.
© 2024 Ganymede Entertainment Inc. & Midwest Games Company. All rights reserved.
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