Immerse yourself in the gripping tale of Cross Tails, a tactical strategy RPG set in a war-ravaged world. For over a decade, the canine Kingdom of Ranverfurt and the feline Republic of Hidiq have clashed, their deep-rooted animosity etched in the memories of their people. Now, as a player, you will...
Immerse yourself in the gripping tale of Cross Tails, a tactical strategy RPG set in a war-ravaged world. For over a decade, the canine Kingdom of Ranverfurt and the feline Republic of Hidiq have clashed, their deep-rooted animosity etched in the memories of their people. Now, as a player, you will delve into a story-driven plot playable from both sides that ultimately unravels the secrets behind this conflict and the influence of an ominous third power.
Engage in turn-based battles on a 3D quarter view stage, strategically utilizing the terrain and character orientation. With a vast array of characters, each with their own classes, experience the freedom of character development through class changes, skill trees, and faith selection. Unleash the potential of over 30 classes, from sturdy knights to skilled archers, and strengthen weapons and armor using powerful runestones.
Shape the fate of two nations in Cross Tails, where captivating storytelling meets intense tactical combat!
Class Changes: Total of 24 types of classes + fixed class for every main character. Each character can have a main job and a sub class.
Skill Tree: All the 24 jobs have a skill tree where skills can be learned or strengthened.
Passive Equipment: Passive skills learned in the skill tree can be equipped. The available equippable slots increase as characters increase their level.
Equipment Upgrade: Weapons and armor can be upgraded by attaching rune stones that grant magic effects.
Faith: Different faiths, from the deity of war to the deity of business, can be selected to add bonus values to stats or special abilities.
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