Listen to the fully orchestrated soundtrack, containing all in-game music from Beyond a Steel Sky. This OST contains 46 tracks all recorded by the [ORCHESTRA]
From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, c...
Listen to the fully orchestrated soundtrack, containing all in-game music from Beyond a Steel Sky. This OST contains 46 tracks all recorded by the [ORCHESTRA]
From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, comes ‘Beyond A Steel Sky’, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’.
Produced by Alistair Kerley & John Sanderson, Dave Cummins and PitStop Productions
Track listing:
[05:31] Prologue - Motion Comic
[01:59] Opening and Union City Theme
[01:26] Nice 2CU
[00:47] Pixel
[01:20] Voxel
[01:29] The Gang-Gang Waltz
[02:37] Gaplander (Bonus Track)
[00:46] Over the Bridge and Through the Gates
[00:49] Frieght Entrance
[01:43] Opening Credits
[00:57] Raquel
[03:16] Graham's Appartment
[01:47] The Interrefagation
[02:10] The Interrefagation Concludes
[04:38] Trouble on the Roof
[01:22] The Museum
[02:35] Less Talk, More Crowbar
[01:13] Breaking Out
[02:18] Cleaning Up
[00:36] The Recycle Centre
[02:17] Moonshine
[01:39] L33T
[02:07] LINCspace
[01:11] MINOS
[00:47] Leaving MINOS
[00:52] Aspiration Fanfare
[02:18] Shadowy Figure
[01:29] Apprehended
[01:27] Smile Back on your Face
[01:18] Reflections Spa
[01:20] Foster Wakes
[01:33] Milo
[01:02] Still Warm
[02:13] Escaping the Recycling Centre
[01:35] Regrouping at the Gate
[01:51] Reunited
[01:18] Land Train Office
[00:45] Shutters Open
[01:49] Collision
[02:30] The Citadel
[02:47] Stalkers Attack (Extended)
[01:18] The Chair
[02:56] Insoluble Paradox
[02:16] What have you done?
[01:12] Epilogue
[02:00] Finale
soundtrack (mp3)
soundtrack (wav)
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