Battle Isle Platinium is pure strategy combined with a compelling backstory. Consisting of the first four installments of the series, it offers the opportunity to play and experience a huge chunk of Battle Isle history, from the very beginnings on up to the events on Scayra, the colonial planet of C...
Windows XP SP3 or Vista, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c, 2GB HD...
Battle Isle Platinium is pure strategy combined with a compelling backstory. Consisting of the first four installments of the series, it offers the opportunity to play and experience a huge chunk of Battle Isle history, from the very beginnings on up to the events on Scayra, the colonial planet of Chromos – a planet so distant and yet so similar to Earth. The history of the Kais and the Drulls is one comprised of only a few Chromian centuries, but centuries with one war following the other, with destruction and upheaval determining the development of Chromian society.
Contains full versions of the following strategy games in one package:
• Battle Isle 1 including Data Disk 1 & Battle Isle ‘93 & Historyline: 1914-1918
• Battle Isle 2 including Scenery CD “Titan’s Legacy”
• Battle Isle 3 along with extensive video sequences
• Incubation and The Wilderness Missions,
Six great turn-based games in the same sci-fi universe, offering weeks of challenging gameplay!
Units gain experience as you progress through the game, adding a new layer of strategic decisions.
This pack includes Incubation, which takes the war from strategic to tactical level, adding more variety to the game experience.
BI 1 background
BI 93 weapons chart
reference cards
Системные требования
Минимальные системные требования:
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
Предупреждение: первое время после выхода ОС Windows 10 будет получать множество обновлений драйверов и самой системы, что может повлиять на совместимость игр с этой операционной системой.
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
Предупреждение: первое время после выхода ОС Windows 10 будет получать множество обновлений драйверов и самой системы, что может повлиять на совместимость игр с этой операционной системой.
Зачем покупать на
БЕЗ DRM. Не требует интернет-подключения или активации.
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