Journey back in time to the year 1957 on an expedition to the dark heart of the Amazon Basin. A desperate, crazed message sends you on a perilous search through a land where legends come to life, danger hides behind every corner, and incredible treasures wait to be discovered.
Patterned after those...
Journey back in time to the year 1957 on an expedition to the dark heart of the Amazon Basin. A desperate, crazed message sends you on a perilous search through a land where legends come to life, danger hides behind every corner, and incredible treasures wait to be discovered.
Patterned after those campy, exciting serials such as Flash Gordon, The Lost City, and Rocketman, AMAZON brings you heart stopping drama and fast paced action!
Full soundtrack and digitized speaking characters
In Super VGA mode, the Inventory Screen is alwyas displayed showing all the items at your disposal, giving you quick access in the middle of fast-paced action
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