London, 1872. Phileas Fogg has wagered he can circumnavigate the world in just eighty days. Playing as his trusty valet Passepartout, travel by hot-air balloon, mechanical camel and other methods as you attempt to complete the bet through over a hundred cities. This is a journey sure to be packed wi...
London, 1872. Phileas Fogg has wagered he can circumnavigate the world in just eighty days. Playing as his trusty valet Passepartout, travel by hot-air balloon, mechanical camel and other methods as you attempt to complete the bet through over a hundred cities. This is a journey sure to be packed with stories of revolution, intrigue, romance and adventure.
Choose your own route around the world - climb the Burmese mountains, brave the Siberian tundra, trek the Zulu Federation, sail the Amazon and disappear under the Indian Ocean - just don't fall behind the time! TIME Magazine's Game of 2014, IGF winner, and four-times BAFTA nominee, 80 DAYS blends sharp visuals, strategy and cutting-edge interactive fiction to take you on a different globe-trotting adventure every time you play.
Travel the world any way you want. Explore 170 cities.
Tens of thousands of choices define a unique adventure every time you play.
Race other players in real-time. Can you make it in 80 DAYS?
Популярные достижения
Completed Trip
Travelled all the way around the world
The World's Fair
Visited the World's Fair in Paris
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