Sure, it has ‘golf’ in the title but that’s about where the similarity to golf ends. WHAT THE GOLF? is at heart a comedy game with puzzles, challenges and loads of surprises. Okay, so there’s a bit of what you might recognise as golf in there but loads more of what definitely isn’t! Confused? Exce...
Sure, it has ‘golf’ in the title but that’s about where the similarity to golf ends. WHAT THE GOLF? is at heart a comedy game with puzzles, challenges and loads of surprises. Okay, so there’s a bit of what you might recognise as golf in there but loads more of what definitely isn’t! Confused? Excellent!
Try Sporty Sports!, It’s Snowtime or one of the hundreds of other incomprehensible levels, featuring toasters, hot dogs, office chairs and a multitude of utterly random objects.
Come back every day to play new courses and win a bunch of more or less useful prizes.
Grab your clubs (string of sausages, frozen rubber glove, it doesn’t matter which) and tee off into a hilarious anarchic world.
To be honest, so do we. And that’s the beauty of WHAT THE GOLF? A game made for people who hate golf, by people with no clues or respect for the game. Let’s play!
A horse walks into a bar....
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