A comet is on course to obliterate the small town of Laburnum Creek. Renowned writer Laura Tanner visits the former health resort to interview several inhabitants who are refusing to leave. But there’s something rotten at the heart of this picturesque town. Curious characters and surreal encounters...
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Szczegóły produktu
Backwoods Entertainment, Application Systems Heidelberg, ...
A comet is on course to obliterate the small town of Laburnum Creek. Renowned writer Laura Tanner visits the former health resort to interview several inhabitants who are refusing to leave. But there’s something rotten at the heart of this picturesque town. Curious characters and surreal encounters await Laura in an enigmatic journey between dreams and reality. Will Laburnum Creek cast its spell over her too? Or will she jeopardize everything to uncover the truth?
We Stay Behind is an interactive mystery short story about repressed trauma and buried secrets. As you guide the protagonist through an intriguing tale of personal discovery, your choices will literally transform Laura’s world.
Experience a surreal tale of mystery where dreams and reality intersect
Explore an interactive story about repressed trauma and buried secrets
Guide the protagonist’s choices and re-shape her perception of the world
Enjoy a puzzle-free experience in a beautiful, stylized 3D environment
Meet compelling and quirky characters, fully voiced by talented actors
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