Embark on an uplifting journey through the mind of Tom in Unwording. Solve word puzzles, explore his neighborhood through multiple perspectives, and help Tom overcome his negative thought patterns as he finds a new perspective on life.
Tom sees the world through a lonely, glass-half-empty lens. T...
Embark on an uplifting journey through the mind of Tom in Unwording. Solve word puzzles, explore his neighborhood through multiple perspectives, and help Tom overcome his negative thought patterns as he finds a new perspective on life.
Tom sees the world through a lonely, glass-half-empty lens. To him, everyday objects morph into complex word puzzles, reminding him of all that he lacks. As he solves each puzzle, the solutions spell out messages that are irrational and defeating.
Until one day, he forgets to shut his window and lets a mischievous little yellow bird into his life, turning his life upside down.
The bird's mischief causes chaos, and by solving word puzzles and exploring his neighborhood, Tom must begin to see things from a different perspective, changing his mindset and transforming his life and the world around him.
Three distinct art styles that reflect Tom's inner world - from 2D to 2.5D to 3D.
A heartfelt story told without uttering a single word of dialogue.
Challenging word puzzles that change as each in-game day passes, telling their own story.
Optional “Easy mode” if you’re here just for the story, not the challenge.
A soothing and tender soundtrack by Trevor Kowalski that evolves with the game.
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