In The Legend of Skye we will step into the shoes of a young druid who will be called upon by her tribe to undertake an important mission. After some events in her village, she will have to leave behind the safety of the forest and venture into a world full of dangers. The young druid must infil...
In The Legend of Skye we will step into the shoes of a young druid who will be called upon by her tribe to undertake an important mission. After some events in her village, she will have to leave behind the safety of the forest and venture into a world full of dangers. The young druid must infiltrate the city and thwart the plans of the wicked King Finn. The fate of the grove will be in her hands.
The Legend of Skye is the first professional graphic adventure of Point & Pixel Adventures. It retains the Point & Click gameplay, inventory items, and the use of the 9 verbs from classic 90s adventures. You'll need to pay attention to dialogues with characters and be observant of your surroundings to solve the clever puzzles and challenges that the adventure has in store for you.
Key Features of The Legend of Skye:
Classic Point & Click graphic adventure.
A system of 9 verbs and an inventory to interact with the environment.
Resolution of 320×180 pixels.
Over 40 scenes reminiscent of early 90s adventures.
Over 90 inventory items.
An adventure focused on solving puzzles and challenges with very clever solutions.
No dead ends. It will never be necessary to load a previous save.
The story takes place in a fantastical medieval world.
Many hours of enjoyable dialogues with over 30 characters to interact with.
Approximately 10 to 15 hours of gameplay.
Available in English, German, and Spanish.
Original soundtrack.
Complete guide.
Who are you going to meet in the first hours of the adventure?
Skye Our heroine still has much to learn from the wisest druids in her grove. Even so, with only her blue cloak and a bag that can hold all the inventory items in the world, she must fight those who threaten her forest.
Forest Spirit Skye will never be alone on her mission. This spirit, who had also once been a druid, will guide the girl through the most difficult moments with his wise advice.
Tribal chief As the leader of the druid village, he is tough and unyielding. He's always known how to run people from him, but now he'll need Skye's help.
Peddler Druid This dirty looking and hungry druid will try to sell you some of his items on the outskirts of town. Don't trust him.
Częste osiągnięcia
Tonan the Barbarian.
Change the music in Bard's store.
Try again.
Die for the first time.
Nice shot!
Beat Percival in a duel.
I hide nothing under my cloak.
Get a bun out of the CupCake Crusade.
Have you been hurt?
Rescue the shaman.
Let me in.
Use a druid mind trick.
No more fireworks!
Defeat the witch.
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