On the retro-futuristic planet of Felmuria lives a little girl named Felicity Rue. Despite living in destitution, she dreams of becoming the most famous tap dancer in the galaxy! She'll chase her dream to the stars, even if it means running from Green Star cops, meeting strange new friends, and danc...
On the retro-futuristic planet of Felmuria lives a little girl named Felicity Rue. Despite living in destitution, she dreams of becoming the most famous tap dancer in the galaxy! She'll chase her dream to the stars, even if it means running from Green Star cops, meeting strange new friends, and dancing her little heart out.
The Fantastic Kitty Rue is a blend of visual novel, point-and-click, and rhythm game!
In this tight story experience, you'll:
Explore 1920s and art nouveau-inspired stylized environments while searching for objects to enhance your performance!
Converse with the unique residents of this alien world!
Perform fun dances to swing tunes as your quest for fame begins!
Avoid capture by Green Star, an energy company seeking to use child labor in their factories!
Oh, my.
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