Steal legendary artifacts to regain your freedomEtienne Quist, a once-acclaimed writer, loses his ability to write after he is found guilty of an unspeakable crime. In an attempt to reclaim his lost status, he is approached by a criminal boss with a cunning offer. All he needs to do is locate and...
Etienne Quist, a once-acclaimed writer, loses his ability to write after he is found guilty of an unspeakable crime. In an attempt to reclaim his lost status, he is approached by a criminal boss with a cunning offer. All he needs to do is locate and steal a series of legendary items from books. Delve into remarkable book worlds, each with its unique rules and challenges. Should anyone stand between you and the artifacts, be prepared to persuade, deceive, or even engage them in combat.
Explore different books and reshape their stories
Each quest thrusts you into an entirely new world: medieval prison, snow-capped mountain, futuristic spaceship and more. Meet the inhabitants of each book and use them to achieve your goals — after all, they are not really alive... or are they? In your quest, you will not be alone, as your paths cross with a sentient caged page, whom you adopt as your partner-in-crime and trusted advisor.
Solve unconventional puzzles across fiction and reality
Test your ingenuity with unique puzzles that encourage thinking outside the box, as you freely travel between fiction and reality, gathering valuable items to overcome obstacles. Using the mystical power of ink, you can manipulate objects within the books, adding depth to your interactions and unlocking new paths to explore.
Częste osiągnięcia
Drop of Infinity
Complete book 1
Craft 5 items
No Time For Words
Use 20 items in dialogues
Alternate Solution
Use 5 items in dialogues
Your Shield, My Liege
Obtain a new skill
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