Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad is a military-themed action game, first released in 1998. In order to stop a large corporation from running amok, choose one of four mercenaries and battle through by shooting, using different weapons and jumping. The highly praised scoring system from the previous game has...
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad is a military-themed action game, first released in 1998. In order to stop a large corporation from running amok, choose one of four mercenaries and battle through by shooting, using different weapons and jumping. The highly praised scoring system from the previous game has been left intact, but the characters are all new. Furthermore, some major changes include, the ability to operate vehicles and choosing different routes only at important junctures in the game, making the play system even easier to manage and more intuitive.
ARCADE - Pick up one of the four mercenary characters available, and fight your way through the bullet hell to put a stop to DIO, a terrorist organization who is threatening the world's leaders to submit to their will.
MULTIPLAYER - Connect and clear missions with a brother-in-arms far away via the Online Co-Op Play feature. Engage with a fellow countryman or foreign ally, and try to eradicate the terrorist threat known as “DIO”!
LEADERBOARDS - Check your current rank & score in “SHOCK TROOPERS 2nd Squad” at any time, as well as those of your friends and other top troopers!
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