Dice on equipment, roll with it.
There are four types of resources that could be on the dice provided by the equipment.
Every character will roll all the dice on their equipment which determines how many resources they can use in the combat.
You'll have to think about what you’re wielding based...
Dodawanie opinii i ocen będzie możliwe po premierze gry.
Szczegóły produktu
45 Studio, ...
Wymagania systemowe
Windows 7 / Widows 8 / 10 (64-bit), Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 960 or equivalent, Version 1...
Dice on equipment, roll with it.
There are four types of resources that could be on the dice provided by the equipment.
Every character will roll all the dice on their equipment which determines how many resources they can use in the combat.
You'll have to think about what you’re wielding based on your skill.
Every journey can be unique
The land of Myrihyn shattered into thousands of islands. Therefore sailing is the most efficient way to travel. They sail to the end of the sea horizon to explore the unknown and stop the invasion of the dark fiend.
A world made of various islands, with locations of various styles, Every game is a different experience.
Explore the map freely. But you need to put food into their consideration.
Unlock different characters through the stories or events.
Wymagania systemowe
Minimalne wymagania systemowe:
Wymagania systemowe:
Wymagania systemowe:
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