This 82-track spectacular is a soundtrack for the ages. The Ted E. Bear casino song? The War Song? The Soda Poppers' theme? That song that plays on the White House lawn that you can't get out of your head? They're all here, along with the rest of the game's background music, the best of the cinemati...
This 82-track spectacular is a soundtrack for the ages. The Ted E. Bear casino song? The War Song? The Soda Poppers' theme? That song that plays on the White House lawn that you can't get out of your head? They're all here, along with the rest of the game's background music, the best of the cinematic cutscene score, and five new tracks written especially for the 2020 remaster of Sam & Max Save the World. That's almost three hours of music!
Written and arranged by composer Jared Emerson-Johnson and given two thumbs-up by Sam & Max creator Steve Purcell:
"OF COURSE this is how Sam & Max's world sounds! Though the classic noir textures drop me firmly in the late fifties, Jared has drawn inspiration from a huge palette of genres and styles. He somehow blends the result seamlessly with generous doses of wit and attitude. I couldn't be more pleased that this is the music that carries us through Season One, and that this sizable body of work can now be enjoyed on its own. If only my life had a soundtrack this cool." Steve Purcell
"BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I have rarely had the opportunity to score a funky driving sequence, a cooking show, a maniacal toy factory, the Oval Office, a 2-D RPG battle sequence, and the surface of the moon—all for the same magnificently deranged project. For me, that is precisely what makes Steve's universe so unique and surprising; it is absolutely limitless. I can't wait to see where it goes next.
None of this music would be what it is if it weren't for the brilliantly creative minds of Dave Grossman, Brendan Ferguson, Steve Purcell, and the enormous talent and artistry of the additional musicians: Jordan Wardlaw, Jesse Wickman, Michael Whitwell, and Dale Gutridge. At any rate, I certainly hope the pleasure wasn't all mine, and if you've enjoyed the music at all in the games, I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to share it with you." Jared Emerson-Johnson
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