In the Age of Decay...
The year is 2053, and the Age of Decay has begun in the city of Los Angeles. The air is thick with pollution, the streets are teeming with the sick and starving. Crime is at an all time high, and drug abuse runs rampant.
The Dragon will arise...
The world is ripe for one...
In the Age of Decay...
The year is 2053, and the Age of Decay has begun in the city of Los Angeles. The air is thick with pollution, the streets are teeming with the sick and starving. Crime is at an all time high, and drug abuse runs rampant.
The Dragon will arise...
The world is ripe for one who has waited centuries to reclaim Heaven and Earth. He is known by many names, and many have told of his coming. He is the beast, the Dragon, and he has come back to restore chaos to the universe and rule once more.
One will sacrifice all...
So it is written, and Wiliam "Blade" Hunter, Private Investigator is the only man for the job. His violent techniques and brash disregard for regulations got him an early retirement from the Los Angeles Police Department, but now they'll become the fulfillment of the prophecy - the fall of the Dragon.
Over 85 scenes and location, each with dozens of randomly generated animations, multiple story branches, puzzle solutions and outcomes make Rise of the Dragon infinitely replayable.
Complex character intelligence and interaction add depth and dimension.
Opinia powinna dotyczyć wyłącznie Twoich doświadczeń z grą. Pozwól, aby była oceniana na podstawie swojej wartości.
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