Inspired by SWAT 4 and gritty police TV shows, Police Stories is a fresh take on top-down shooters with an emphasis on tactics that forces you to make split second decisions. Neutralize criminals, rescue civilians and defuse bombs in Single Player mode or Online Co-op. And remember - shooting...
Inspired by SWAT 4 and gritty police TV shows, Police Stories is a fresh take on top-down shooters with an emphasis on tactics that forces you to make split second decisions. Neutralize criminals, rescue civilians and defuse bombs in Single Player mode or Online Co-op. And remember - shooting first is not an option!
Unforgiving and tense, each mission tells a story of two police operatives - John Rimes and Rick Jones, filled with infiltrating gang hideouts, rescuing hostages, making arrests and other life-threatening situations.
The Surrender System allows you to apprehend the suspects without resorting to violence. Fire a warning shot near them or engage them in melee combat - those are just some of the ways you can make them submit.
Issue commands to your fellow cop Rick Jones. Make sure to use him wisely - and who knows, he might save your life in return.
Randomly placed criminals, hostages and evidence make every level run unique. The placement changes every time you restart, leading to new interesting situations and opportunities.
As a law enforcement officer, you will have access to end-of-the-line police equipment, such as under-the-door cameras, door blast charges and many others.
Various types of lawbreakers, from small petty criminals to well organised gangs and terrorists. Each type has not only unique weapons, but different behaviour and shooting skill.
Complex Tactical Gameplay: Try not to get spotted, don't waste bullets, regularly check your surroundings and make sure to take criminals down quietly.
All your actions are scored in real time. Playing aggressively won't get you a high enough result to start the next mission - so keep that in mind!
Co-op. Complete mission together for better scores and more fun!
Częste osiągnięcia
World of Glass
Break 25 windows.
The Hurt Blocker
Defuse your first bomb.
Groundhog Day
Die 50 times.
Die at the same time as the suspect who killed you.
Brought a knife to a gunfight
Get killed while holding any equipment (excluding the ballistic shield, taser and pepper spray).
Police Brutality
Kill a surrendered or cuffed suspect with the buttstock.
Angel of Vengeance
Kill the suspect who has just killed your teammate.
Dirty Harry
Leave over 50 bloody steps in one mission.
Hat Trick
Blind or stun more than three suspects with a single flashbang or C4.
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Ważne: W celu uzyskania dostępu do funkcji sieciowych gry Police Stories wymagany jest GOG GALAXY.
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Wymagania systemowe:
Ważne: W celu uzyskania dostępu do funkcji sieciowych gry Police Stories wymagany jest GOG GALAXY.
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