Pinball Spire is a game unlike any other, a pinballvania blending together classic genres - and pinball. Conquer the titular spire as a brave, plucky little pinball called Pip, destined to step into the plunger and explore the inner chambers of a mysterious spire that appeared in their world overn...
Pinball Spire is a game unlike any other, a pinballvania blending together classic genres - and pinball. Conquer the titular spire as a brave, plucky little pinball called Pip, destined to step into the plunger and explore the inner chambers of a mysterious spire that appeared in their world overnight.
Enter the spire. Inside is a strange pinball maze, full of secrets to unlock, enemies to bump off, and contraptions for the intrepid little ball to interact with. It's not just all flippers and physics either - brave little Pip has special abilities that will play a crucial role in the journey through the spire, towards the challenge lurking at its peak.
Pinballvania, a unique blend of genres, mixing classic video game platforming with arcade pinball games.
Elaborate pinball levels to explore, combining traditional pinball tables with atmospheric dungeons and passageways to explore.
Mana-powered pinball abilities enable unorthodox ways to interact with the environment.
Mystery that actually gets resolved conclusively instead of ending up on a cliffhanger!
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