After Matt’s tragic disappearance in room 104 of the Night Soul Motel, his business partner Josh is still trapped there at the mercy of a ruthless and cruel scientist. The lives of Kat, Josh and Matt crossed paths in science —a macabre science orchestrated by Doc’s deadly hands.
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Szczegóły produktu
WildSphere, ...
After Matt’s tragic disappearance in room 104 of the Night Soul Motel, his business partner Josh is still trapped there at the mercy of a ruthless and cruel scientist. The lives of Kat, Josh and Matt crossed paths in science —a macabre science orchestrated by Doc’s deadly hands.
Digitalized real actors and use of advance motion capture technology, that will instantly immerse you in this terrifying experience. Putting yourself in the shoes of the protagonists has never been so easy!
Dig into the bowels of the Night Soul Motel and sneak into the huge underground lab.
Experience new restarting mechanics after dying, either accidentally or at the hands of horrific creatures that lurk around the facilities. Your actions have consequences! But in OXIDE, death is just the beginning.
Realistic use of the inventory. You will have the chance to pick up a large number of weapons and items that will help you get out of there, but you can’t carry them all with you! You’d better use your head.
Opinia powinna dotyczyć wyłącznie Twoich doświadczeń z grą. Pozwól, aby była oceniana na podstawie swojej wartości.
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