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This is the original soundtrack for Orwell, a privacy invasion thriller in which you investigate the lives of citizens to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks. Information from the internet, persona...
This is the original soundtrack for Orwell, a privacy invasion thriller in which you investigate the lives of citizens to find those responsible for a series of terror attacks. Information from the internet, personal communications, and private files are all accessible to you. But, be warned, the information you supply will have consequences.
Track listing:
1. Orwell (Title Theme)
2. Day 1 - Nescience
3. Day 2 - Permutations
4. Day 3 - Full Dark No Stars
5. The Autonomy Expires
6. Day 4 - The Line Emerges
7. Day 5 - Terminus
8. Die Gedanken Sind Frei (Credits)
9. Ratking - Pipedreams (Bonus Track)
OST produced by The Otherworld Agency
Composed by feeding | ear
'Pipedreams' written and performed by Ratking
Please note, Orwell includes mature language at multiple points throughout the game as well as mature themes and is not suitable for younger players.
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