In a distant future, Mankind has nearly exploited all of the natural resources of our exhausted planet. As various resource wars flare up, nations begin forming alliances in order to arrive at a better solution than simply fighting to the last. A solution is found: the MoonBase probe. Remotely contr...
In a distant future, Mankind has nearly exploited all of the natural resources of our exhausted planet. As various resource wars flare up, nations begin forming alliances in order to arrive at a better solution than simply fighting to the last. A solution is found: the MoonBase probe. Remotely controlled by a single pilot, the probe lands on the surface of any available planet, replicates its central Hub, and expands across the planet in search of life-giving energy. The already fragile alliance crumbles as its leaders recognize the potential of the probe. Four factions arise from the ashes of a fallen alliance--each with its own objectives. What started as a tool to harvest resources has now been forged into a deadly weapon of war. You begin as a pilot for your chosen faction. As you operate your Hub remotely, you wage a campaign across each planet, searching for energy-rich pools while destroying anything that would dare to take your hard-earned resources.
Moonbase Commander is a simple to learn, difficult to master turn-based strategy game where you are fighting for the limited resources of a planet against either the AI or other players. If you are feeling creative, you can make customized maps with the included Map Editor.
A tough AI that gives strategy veterans a run for their money.
Easy to learn, difficult to master gameplay keeps the action fast and exciting!
Includes an exceptionally easy-to-use map editor.
Dodatkowa zawartość
ścieżka dźwiękowa
Wymagania systemowe
Minimalne wymagania systemowe:
Wymagania systemowe:
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility
Wymagania systemowe:
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility
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