Leap of Love is a visual novel with a dash of stat raising, you will follow a story and make choices leading to one of the many good and bad endings of the game. You will have 30 in-game days to do so, resulting in a tight yet rewarding story and playthrough.
During this time...
Leap of Love is a visual novel with a dash of stat raising, you will follow a story and make choices leading to one of the many good and bad endings of the game. You will have 30 in-game days to do so, resulting in a tight yet rewarding story and playthrough.
During this time you will raise your character's Prowess, Charm and Knowledge to be able to survive the story and seduce your chosen princess.
Leap of Love is a fantasy game where you play as Kaheroux a frog turned prince by a shady wizard. The catch of that spell is that he needs to find and marry a princess within a month or go back to being a frog.
Luckily for Kaheroux the local king as three daughters and a lovely wife.
So strap on for 30 days of adventures in our fantasy kingdom, may you find love and marry your chosen princess.
4 lovely princesses to seduce
29 animated sex scenes
50+ beautiful artworks
Full voice acting for the princesses
20+ enchanted locations to visit
42 fun and surprising random events
9 good endings
15 bad endings
20+ achievements
Buying this game on GOG.COM you will receive a censored version of the game.
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