The Hardspace: Shipbreaker Original Soundtrack carries players out to the frontiers of industrialized space, with both guitar-driven tracks of Americana and synth-based remixes used during high-tension moments in-game. It features work by composers Jono Grant, Traz Damji and Philip J. Bennett, with...
The Hardspace: Shipbreaker Original Soundtrack carries players out to the frontiers of industrialized space, with both guitar-driven tracks of Americana and synth-based remixes used during high-tension moments in-game. It features work by composers Jono Grant, Traz Damji and Philip J. Bennett, with synth remixes by the game's audio director Ben McCullough.
From strummed acoustic folk to washing synth textures, the Hardspace: Shipbreaker OST will take you on a musical journey, from the salvage yards in Earth orbit to the dusty backroads of the belt and beyond.
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